Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Think Pink is our battle cry in October for Breast Cancer Awareness* month. You can’t turn on a football game without seeing pink ribbons, gloves and other tributes on the field OR see a grateful PSA of a football player touched by breast cancer “paying it forward” for busy women and mothers to get themselves a mammogram.  I am grateful that huge, multi-national companies like the NFL, Revlon, P&G, JCPenney, GNC, Ford, to name just a few, have made Breast Cancer awareness and the cure part of their pro-social agenda and encourage even more companies to do so.

But is it enough to only “Think Pink”?  No disrespect to all these fine companies and organizations who do great work on behalf of breast cancer, but there is a virtual rainbow of other ribbon colors in support of awareness and cures for other cancers. So in an effort to help bring more general attention to kicking cancer in the ASS, here are some other ribbon colors and organizations to be aware of and support that I personally would like to bring attention to based on my own circle of family and friends affected by cancer (listed in upcoming calendar month order)

Purple Ribbon - November (Pancreatic Cancer) – PANCAN

White Ribbon  - November (Lung Cancer) – Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation

Black Ribbon - May (Melanoma) – Skin Cancer Foundation

Marigold/Blue/Purple Ribbon- May (Bladder Cancer) - American Bladder Cancer Society:

Peach Ribbon - September (Uterine Cancer) – Foundation for Women’s Cancers 

Violet Ribbon – September (Hodgkins Lymphoma) – Lymphoma Research Foundation or Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Plum Ribbon (Honors Caregivers) Choose Hope: 

This list of cancer awareness color ribbons and foundations for the cure is not meant to be exhaustive by any means.  It is just one step in the right direction to help kick cancer’s ass in our lifetime!

Peace and Love,



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